Financing For Big Moments Like Now

The Small Print
By signing this form you allow Canadian Business Financing to engage in electronic communication, specifically through email or SMS, commonly known as text messaging, with all parties listed in the submitted credit application. This authorization applies not only to the company, shareholder(s), and guarantor(s), but also extends to any individuals or other entities explicitly listed in the credit application. This includes, but is not limited to, any applicable financial advisor or consultant, any other financial institution, as well as the accounting firm, law firm, insurance company or agent, and credit insurance company. This consent extends to any email addresses or phone numbers provided at the time of the application, as well as any future contact details that may be provided to Canadian Business Financing Inc.
The undersigned certifies the above information to be true and correct. By signing below, I consent and authorize Canadian Business Financing Inc.(herby known as CBF) and its representatives, at any time to obtain on an on-going basis, verify, use, communicate with and disclose to third parties (including credit reportingagencies, credit exchanges, leasing brokers, and credit grantors, on an on-going basis) any of my credit, financial, and personal information that CBF deemsnecessary to complete, service or enforce any lease, ancillary deed or transaction, including but not limited to assignments and securitizations. You authorize us tocollect, hold, exchange and disclose your personal information as requested in order to administer your contract & determine your insurance eligibility as required orpermitted by law. You also authorize us to use your personal information for internal statistical analysis purposes. If you would like to review your own personal information, correct or revise existing information, have any questions, concerns or comments regarding its application please email Attention Privacy
The undersigned certifies the above information to be true and correct, By signing below, consent and outhorize Accord financial Canada Corp. Accord") and its assigns, and representatives of any time to obigin on on on-going bast verify, use. communicate with and disclose to thid parties (including credit reporting agencies. credit exchanges, leasing brokers. and credit granton. on an on-going bosis) any of my credit, financial and personal information that Accord deems necessory to complete. service or enforce any lease. ancillary deed or transaction, including but not limited to avsignments and securifizations You authorize us to collect hold exchange and disclose your personal information as requested in order to administer your contract & determine your Insurance elgibility 05 required or permitted by low. You also authorize to use your personal information for Internal statistical analysis purposes. , you would like to review your own personal information correct or revise existing information have any questions concerns or comments regarding it's application please fax 658-835-9757 (Attn: Privocy Office] or moil #300-689 Horbourside Drive North Vancouver ac V7P 351 Privocy Office.
SIGNATURES – ALL OWNERS MUST SIGN – By signing below, the this Application are true, correct and complete. Additionally, the owner(s) authorize Merchant Growth Ltd. or any of its agents, partners, and affiliates to contact the above landlord, supplier, and emergency contacts, as well as obtain and use business and non-business consumer credit reports from credit reporting agencies and any other information regarding the Client and its owner(s) from third parties, both at the time of the initial funding application and at any time after the Client has received funding as long as the Merchant remains a client of Merchant Growth Ltd. At all times, Merchant Growth Ltd. will comply with the personal information collection, protection, use, sharing, and retention practices set out in the Privacy Policy, which can be reviewed at
Client and its owner(s) certify that all information and documents submitted in connection with this application is true and accurate.
The undersigned authorizes:
1. Canadian Business Financing Inc. (going forward known as CBF) and its representatives, at any time to obtain on an on-going basis, verify, use, communicate with and disclose to third parties (including credit reporting agencies, credit exchanges, leasing brokers, and credit grantors, on an ongoing basis) any of my credit, financial, and personal information that CBF and its lending partners deem necessary to complete, service or enforce any lease, ancillary deed or transaction, including but not limited to assignments and securitizations; and
2. CBF to collect, hold, exchange and disclose your personal information as requested in order to administer your contract & determine your insurance eligibility as required or permitted by law. You also authorize CBF to use your personal information for internal statistical analysis purposes. If you would like to review your personal information, correct or revise existing information, or have any questions, concerns or comments regarding its application please call +1 (888) 811-1887 or email
The undersigned warrants that:
1. I am a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States of America; I have disclosed to CBF all claims (including threatened, pending and looming) against me of any sort, legal or otherwise and my statements in this credit application are true and complete.
2. to the best of my knowledge, there are no problems which would cause me to file for bankruptcy within the next 12 months.
3. I understand that Lenders are relying on the information given by me on this credit application in granting this extension of credit, and I recognize that failure to provide full information or providing false information may prevent this extension of credit from being discharged in the event of bankruptcy; and
4. the above information to be true and correct.